Friday, July 10, 2009

28 Reasons Why I LOVE You, Becky Wickstrom (In no particular order!)


1 - You are one of the most fun people to talk to for hours on end

2 - You have a beautiful singing voice

3 - You have an exceptional eye for all things fashionable

4 - You are amazing on the piano

5 - You love Twilight...although love does not seem strong enough of a word...

6 - You love your friends "more than Twilight"

7 - You have the best scream/wheeze laugh I have ever heard

8 - You can talk to anyone about anything - what charisma!

9 - You love the Gospel and live it

10 - You were one of the best roommates ever

11 - There's not another person with whom I could sing "Whatever it Takes"

12 - You make delectable food and display it so well

13 - You throw smashing parties and blog about them

14 - You used to put make-up on before going to the gym

15 - You are so incredibly thoughtful

16 - You are a clever little writer...such a way with words (you so eloquently describe aromas on the Metro)

17 - You are always the life of the party

18 - You have such a wonderful family (Chris, Nickie, Greg, & Derrick!!!)

19 - You are so, so beautiful

20 - You (and Chris) are always such gracious hosts to so many house guests

21 - You love to shop so much you live over a mall :)

22 - You know good music when you hear it

23 - You definitely captivate your audience when telling any kind of story

24 - You can find the good in everyone
25 - You give great lessons on the contrast between the colors red and white

26 - You have awesome hair

27 - You are just plain fun to be around

28 - It is truly a blessing to know you and be your friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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