Wednesday, July 8, 2009

28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom

By: Nickie Fowles

1. She's my daughter
2. She calls home often and I love it!
3. She's beautiful
4. She lights up a room
5. She always plays the piano for me (my favorite!)
6. She's a great cook
7. She gives wonderful gifts
8. I love her party planning/hosting capabilities
9. I love that she goes over the top when she does anything (Becky, you always go above and beyond in all you do)
11. You are the untimate hostess
12. You are my first born and that is so special to me
13. Your home is always open to anyone and very inviting
14. Great giftwrapper
15. You are good at your job
16. You are very personable
17. Dad likes it that you are a camper! (My camping days are......)
18. We love your husband (We're glad you picked him!)
19. I love it when you tell me: I love You!
20. I have the best wallet!
21. I like you to tell me what movies you've seen and what books you've readl
22. You are very "hip" with your clothing
23. I like you to pick out things for me to wear!
24. You are smart
25. I love it that we are friends as well as mother and daughter
26. I'm glad you like some of the family heirlooms for your home
27. I'm glad that you love your brother even when he is part of the nerd-herd
28. I'm glad your my daughter and I love you very much!!!!!

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