I wish I could do lots of fun things for your day,
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I wish I could do lots of fun things for your day,
Friday, July 9, 2010
Happy 29th Becky!!
In honor of your 29th birthday I bring you some favorite memories of you from some of your favorite people.
In lieu of a card, here are my top 29 favorite memories of our times together! There have been so many fun times, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some of my favorites.
Happy Birthday!! And may there be many more memory making years ahead!!!
I love you!!!
Birthday hugs to you!!!
29 Favorite Memories of Becky by Holly
2. Doing the dishes in our apartment and then John and Chris came over, and you went and changed clothes a "few" times.
3. Waiting with you outside the Engineering building to "accidentally" bump into Chris.
4. The Sprockett moment...
5. My face in this picture says it all:
In case you don't remember... see John's favorite memory in the post below.
6. You saying "coop fu roo," and all the other memories of playing games back in our first apartments!
7. The fact that you talked my husband into growing an ugly mustache....
8. All of us falling asleep on New Year's after eating at Maggiano's and waking up right before the ball dropped.
9. Our first trip to the Ribbon Outlet.
10. You walking into our apartment obviously mad, with Chris practically tip toeing behind you when you guys were dating.
11. Going to Six Flags with you guys was so fun!
9. The fact that you had the idea to put this on John's wall, and coming with me early in the morning to put a bag of fruit snacks on his car.
10. Master Poo Theatre.
11. I can not believe that you actually slept under this!!
12. Our "me too" moments when we first met.
13. All of our fun phone conversations. You being so gracious while listening to me whine.
14. Bonding while you did my make up this night...

17. Our first group date at Bridal Veil Falls. Knowing you and Chris were up above us probably kissing while John and I talked down below...

22. Speeding trying to get to your hair appointment. I only speed for you (and I guess when I don't know what the speed limit is in D.C.).
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Trevan's Memory of Becky
Trevan: Playing Games.
Me: You played games with Becky?
Trevan: Hmmmm...
Me: What are some nice things Becky has done for you?
Trevan: Ummm.... She starts movies for me.
Memories of Becky by Rachel Connett
Another Parkside parking lot story, which Becky won't want published...Joel and I were coming home and unlocking our door when we hear this yelling and see a blur that was Becky running down the stairs frantically trying to get into her apartment. She was yelling at Chris I think, to help her get the door unlocked and was already undoing her pants by the time she barged into her apartment. When you gotta poop, you gotta poop. She said something along those lines...it was hilarious and Joel and I still reference it today when we are faced with such an emergency.
Of course a lot of favorite memories about Becky involve her Martha Stewart Skills. Personally I prefer Becky to Martha. I always enjoyed going to Becky's apartment.
Becky has a great laugh and a wonderful smile and always makes you feel good and that you are important to her.
I remember staying up too late many times playing games, and we were introduced to Settler's by the Wickstroms (and you and your husband too!)
Becky has a wonderful voice and I treasure a CD she gave us years ago of her singing a few songs.
Fave Becky Memories from the Kings
FAVE BECKY MEMORY FROM HARLEY: When we competed for prizes by cooking dishes and she said my dish was...interesting. AKA ugly, she hated it, but was too nice to say it. I think I made the Great Wall of Tuna.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Mom's Memories of Becky
2. At age 2, she painted her toenails with hobby laquer paint in the middle of the living room carpet. It was less than a year old. The color was fire engine red.
3. She sucked her thumb. It was her best friend
4. She loved to take baths, and so she would stand by the tub and say: bathbathbath, and I want to Hampoo my hair. Her dad still calls her Hampoo at times for a nickname.
5. She learned how to ride a 2 wheel bike at age 3. She loved to ride fast
6. Becky used to make everyone play and dress up for her wedding in preschool. At the time, Brian Vincent was the groom. Of course she was always the bride.
7. Becky loved to hunt for our Christmas tree in the fall with her dad. They would find the perfect tree, mark it, and then never be able to find it again in December! Ask her what happened one time when she had to go "poop" in the woods.
8. Becky had hair bows to match every outfit
9. Becky had a black skirt in 7th grade that she never outgrew. It did get a whole lot shorter, though.
10. Ask Becky about the Grandma panties she got for Christmas during her college years.
11. Becky almost didn't major in communications. Lucky for Intrepid that she did!!!
12. Chris is her best friend and always will be. She has a bunch more best girlfriends too
13. We love watching the old videos of Sunshine Generation
14. She planned her wedding when she was little, and I think it turned out just like she had imagined.
15. She is the most fun to be around! We wish she lived closer!
16. Her friends and family are important to her, so be glad you are a family member or friend!!!!
17. I think I heard about a snow woman during her college years that might have been a tad risque!
18. She asked for pink snowboots from Santa one Christmas, and then was mad that she got them instead of something more fun.
19. She always hung her clothes up on the floor. Ask her about the time I cut up her favorite tee shirt. Hmm. Mean mom
20. When Derrick was born, she wanted to send him back, but my friends all brought baby gifts for Derrick and gifts for Becky too.
21. She didn't cry on her first day of school, but I did.
22. Becky has never been bashful.....at least not much! She knocked on a neighbor's door when she was about 3, and asked if there was a kid she could play with... Jenetta and her became immediate best friends. Does that surprise you?
23. She calls me almost everyday, and I would miss it if she didn't.
24. I loved to read her misadventures on the metro, How about some new ones from Salt Lake, Becky?
25. She was a good sport to have a lot of Halloween Costumes made from BOXES! Thanks, Becky
26. She was ruined for good when her panties didn't match her dress as a toddler. No wonder she has become such an expert shopper!
27. She always buys the best gifts, and makes me feel special
28. She made it fun for Derrick when her Dad and I would have a date night and leave her and Derrick home alone for a few hours. Derrick was so excited to do all the things she had planned. I think he still looks forward to the fun times when we visit Chris and Becky
29. And, my favorite all time memory of Becky is when she asked Chris when the dry cleaning would be ready to pick up from the Cleaners, and he had accidently dropped it off to the Salvation Army box with some discards from a recent apartment clean. Whoops.
Happy Birthday, Becky. You have made being your mom and adventure! Love, MOm
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I hope your day is extra special! Filled with good food, good friends, good fun, and GOOD PRESENTS!!
I think it speaks volumes about you that you stay in touch with so many friends. Obviously, you are an extraordinary person that everyone loves. This year I invited some people you may know to send you a little message on your birthday. I hope know how loved and special you are!! Your friends and family are sending you a lot of love!
I love having you as a friend, and think you need to be on the HOT TAMALE TRAIN for your birthday!! WOO WOO!
I hope all your birthday wishes come true! I love you bunches!
Happy Birthday!!
28 + Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
So, you’re turning 28 today,
And I thought I’d let you know,
Just how wonderful I think you are,
And why I love you so.
It’s not your fashion that makes you great
Or your two thousand pairs of shoes.
It’s that you’re willing to listen to me
And cheer me up whenever I have the blues.
It’s that you still love me,
Even if I say something dumb.
And, that you let your husband eat lemonheads,
Until his tongue goes numb.
I love that you let me take you “slumming,”
And that you are often my creative muse.
I love that on all of our shopping trips,
You always find some really great shoes.
I love that you’re my kindred kitchen spirit,
And that you enjoy the same wonderful food.
I love your creativity,
And your positive attitude.
I love your great faith,
And your super cheerful smile.
And the fact that in high heels,
You could totally walk three miles.
I think you are the most gracious person,
And you have such a generous heart.
I really love those things about you,
It kills me that we’re so far apart!
I love how when we play games,
Your singing drives Chris crazy.
And I love that when you come to visit,
We can stay in our PJs and be lazy.
I love laughing with you,
It must be that endearing wheeze.
Why did you move so far away?
Can you come back, please?
I love how you’re so prepared,
With your stash of gifts and bins of toys,
I love that you’re such a great “aunty,”
To so many little girls and boys.
Being thoughtful is one of your greatest traits,
I totally love that about you.
You’re always thinking of others,
And what surprises you can do.
I love the fact that you are “family,”
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I love chit chatting with you
When our husbands go out to play.
I love that you think my husband’s funny,
And how you ask him to tell his stories, “please.”
It’s fun to hear you laugh at them,
Especially the part where he “bends his knees.”
I love how you take the time
To be such a wonderful friend,
To support and lift us up,
If there were a broken heart, you’d help it mend.
Another thing I love about you
Is that your hair can sport great curls.
I also think it says a lot about you,
That you keep in touch with so many of your girls.
To describe in words how amazing you are
Is really very tough.
The words nice, and sweet, and generous,
Just don’t seem to be enough.
I hope you know how much you are loved,
You are one very special gal.
Have a happy, happy birthday,
And enjoy the words from all your pals!
Friday, July 10, 2009
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
There's really only one reason
And 28 ways to say it...
1 Becky is my son's wife,
2 she brings him joy and cares about him,
3 she's become a part of my life,
4 and that's enough for me.
5 The rest of the reasons are Becky's qualities
6 things that touched me,
7 things that make her unique,
8 and that I appreciate about her.
9 Becky's enthusiasm,
10 her infectious laugh,
11 the joy she shares with everyone around her,
12 the way she makes light of the family quirks.
13 I've just got to appreciate her fashion sense
14 for knowing you need how many? pairs of black shoes
15 and for not saying anything
16 about the shoes I wore to the wedding
17 For opening her home and her heart
18 to a stream of visitors
19 and for keeping track of peoples' likes and dislikes
20 to help them feel comfortable
21 It's easy to love Becky
22 for her beauty
23 and her singing voice
24 but when your think about
25 How she'll buy her husband
26 a plaid shirt with pearl buttons
27 just because he likes it
28 it's unavoidable...
Love, hugs, and kisses along with wishes for a very happy birthday...
1. She is very agile when it comes to dodging golf balls launched at her head.
2. She is a great cook – Whenever we get together, she teams up with my wife to create an eye-popping, belt-busting smorgasbord.
3. She is creative.
4. She knows how to throw a Phat Party.
5. She is very Modern.
6. She seems to have a good sense for Fashion.
7. She is a hard worker.
8. She is very Dramatic.
9. She gives Billy Shakespeare a run for his money.
10. She has strong Faith and Testimony in God.
11. She is a great singer – I enjoy the Opera-Rap Birthday songs.
12. She loves kids and our kids love her.
13. She doesn’t suffer from “inner-city pressure”.
14. She is mindful of the Environment and Green House gases – Most of the time.
15. She is a safe driver.
16. She will be a loving Mother.
17. She is loyal to everyone – I have never heard her speak badly about anyone.
18. She laughs uncontrollably at my Escapades even if she has heard the story for the 100th time.
19. She is positive and supportive with all her friends.
20. She likes to play Board games.
21. She “needs” to win when she plays Board games.
22. She will sometimes sing – even if you don’t want her to.
23. She is technologically savvy.
24. She shares the same dark hair and baby-bottom-like complexion as I.
25. She makes all guests feel welcome at Hotel Wickstrom & Suites.
26. She is adventurous and is not afraid to try new things.
27. She has a good sense of humor.
28. She is extremely wise for her age.
28 Reasons Why I LOVE You, Becky Wickstrom (In no particular order!)
1 - You are one of the most fun people to talk to for hours on end
2 - You have a beautiful singing voice
3 - You have an exceptional eye for all things fashionable
4 - You are amazing on the piano
5 - You love Twilight...although love does not seem strong enough of a word...
6 - You love your friends "more than Twilight"
7 - You have the best scream/wheeze laugh I have ever heard
8 - You can talk to anyone about anything - what charisma!
9 - You love the Gospel and live it
10 - You were one of the best roommates ever
11 - There's not another person with whom I could sing "Whatever it Takes"
12 - You make delectable food and display it so well
13 - You throw smashing parties and blog about them
14 - You used to put make-up on before going to the gym
15 - You are so incredibly thoughtful
16 - You are a clever little writer...such a way with words (you so eloquently describe aromas on the Metro)
17 - You are always the life of the party
18 - You have such a wonderful family (Chris, Nickie, Greg, & Derrick!!!)
19 - You are so, so beautiful
20 - You (and Chris) are always such gracious hosts to so many house guests
21 - You love to shop so much you live over a mall :)
22 - You know good music when you hear it
23 - You definitely captivate your audience when telling any kind of story
24 - You can find the good in everyone
25 - You give great lessons on the contrast between the colors red and white
26 - You have awesome hair
27 - You are just plain fun to be around
28 - It is truly a blessing to know you and be your friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
Reason: Beck is not just gorgeous, she is Glorious!
My Darling Beck -
What can I say? I don't think 28 is a number high enough. You are one of my dearest friends. I think it would be accurate to say that you truly know my soul. I count you as a sister. [plus, my mom counts you - Rebecca Jane]
I love that you can make a short chat or a long chat feel like a warm hug. I love that you are comfortable laughing or crying with me. I love that you are the most selfless person I've ever met. I love your example of womanhood. Becky, you are not just gorgeous, you are glorious!
I was reaching back into my archives of memories with you. I cannot imagine what my BYU life would have been like without. DT would have been flat out boring. Do you remember the fashion shows you would put on with Eileen? I think the hardest I have ever laughed in my life was on the night before your wedding when we had a viewing of the Freshman Video.
Looking back at sophmore year, I realized that I never did make it through the marathon story of how your summer had gone. It was a tale that lasted over 2 or 3 hours. I recall hearing the beginning close to half a dozen times. I believe I ended up asleep on the floor before you were done each time. :) Speaking of floors, I remember you sleeping in the middle of our hallway during finals with the kitchen timer. I hated that kitchen timer and how it would go off every 5 mintues for like an hour. I remember you braiding my hair into some of the coolest styles. I almost peed my pants when you walked into the Honor Code Office with a beard on and requested a "beard waiver" from the Director. I loved the bewildered looks you got as you made me walk home with you during finals because you had on a half man, half woman make up job.
Junior year, first day back from break, I remember you running into my apartment and meeting Christopher for the first time. I loved getting to road trip down to Colorado. I remember watching you walk out of the Denver Temple with the biggest glow [since I wasn't endowed yet I wasn't inside]. I told myself that when I found someone that could make me glow like that I would know he was it for me. I remember sleep overs when Chris was out of town for business.
I remember rushing back into town and meeting up with you before our graduation ceremony. You had pick up my cap and gown, and ironed it for me. I loved getting to celebrate the end of BYU with you.
A year later you were a gorgeous bridesmaid at my wedding. I loved having you in the bride's room as I got ready. About 2 years later it was fun to visit you in DC and have you rub my pregnant belly.
I could literally go on for days. By the way, most of these memories are the ones proper enough for print :)
Becky, I pray that my daughter will have some of your amazingness rub off on her. I also pray that she too will find a friend that is as dear to her as you are to me. Thank you for always making me feel wonderful. I love you!
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
1-She's Fancy
2-She shared lipstick with me
3-Shes awesome
4-I love her shoes
By: Angelica
5-She is a great cook
6-Her smile warms everyones heart
7-Shes very creative
8-She has great style
9-Shes always helping me with ideas for parties
10-She throws the best parties
11-I loved watching 24 with her!!
12-She was so kind and loving to our kids
13- My girls thought she was the best neighbor
14-She is the best cook
15-She makes the best stuffed french toast with blueberry sauce
16-She is a kind and caring friend
17-I love when she calls and sings her Happy B-day song
18- she has a beautiful voice
19- She loved to sing and play the piano with Taylee
20-she always had sugar free popcylces to snack on
21-She knows how to party and how to have fun
22-She is a thoughtful and loving person
23-love that she posts on American Idol on her blog!! I loved reading it
24-I love that she married a Patent Lawyer so that we could meet
26- Loved that she was my neighbor so we could see each other almost everyday
27- Loved playing games and that she introduced us to ticket to ride
28-I love that she is such a great friend and am glad that Becky is my friend. What a great person she is....
I love you Becky!!! Happy Birthday to you hope you have a good day!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
I love Becky Wickstrom for various reasons; these are the top 28.
Becky is cute, spunky, funny, neat, nice, keeps in touch wih me, prays for me, thoughtful, interesting, open-minded, has great taste, joyful, loves her husband, thinks outside the box, loves to shop for shoes, loves Wholefood "whole paycheck", likes to walk without interrupting my thoughts, she can sing, she is spiritual, a Washington DC metro rider, Becky also gives great compliments, she is very smart, intelligent, can keep a secret, loves to give Office parties, she knows her limitations (will not work out in the gym during work hours).
Becky I really love you because on my birthday you went out of your way to purchase an individual cake for me.That was my best day ever...oh yeah this is about you :) I pray that your birthday is as special as you made mine!!! most of all I love you because you really know how to make a sandwich olives, olives, olives. You are absolutely the best person to work with :) Happy Birthday Baby!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom
1. She's my daughter
2. She calls home often and I love it!
3. She's beautiful
4. She lights up a room
5. She always plays the piano for me (my favorite!)
6. She's a great cook
7. She gives wonderful gifts
8. I love her party planning/hosting capabilities
9. I love that she goes over the top when she does anything (Becky, you always go above and beyond in all you do)
11. You are the untimate hostess
12. You are my first born and that is so special to me
13. Your home is always open to anyone and very inviting
14. Great giftwrapper
15. You are good at your job
16. You are very personable
17. Dad likes it that you are a camper! (My camping days are......)
18. We love your husband (We're glad you picked him!)
19. I love it when you tell me: I love You!
20. I have the best wallet!
21. I like you to tell me what movies you've seen and what books you've readl
22. You are very "hip" with your clothing
23. I like you to pick out things for me to wear!
24. You are smart
25. I love it that we are friends as well as mother and daughter
26. I'm glad you like some of the family heirlooms for your home
27. I'm glad that you love your brother even when he is part of the nerd-herd
28. I'm glad your my daughter and I love you very much!!!!!
28 Reasons Why I Adore Becky
1. She has the most gorgeous smile, and she's always using it to win people over.
2. She has a killer sense of home decorating. Her whole house is Becky Chic.
3. She's always a good reference if you need a book pick. (Chances are she'll let you borrow her copy since she's got a hefty library.)
5. She is an amazing cook, always trying new and delicious recipes.
6. Becky's love for fashion is a true inspiration to me; the girl wears fierce heels to work on a consistent basis.
7. She picked a one-of-a-kind awesome hubby who always gives great directions to GPS-deficient people.
8. Becky is the most hilarious commentator/critic to watch American Idol with.
9. She spoils her friends, unnecessarily, whenever we get together.
10. Her voice is angelic, and she nailed opera in sacrament.
11. She brought me a new circle of girlfriends, for which I am forever in her debt.
12. The girl is funny, always keeping me in stitches about one story or another (usually about her college days).
13. She knows just where to spend a leisurely Friday...namely the Ribbon Outlet.
14. I can't help but adore Becky for introducing me to two of D.C.'s finest: Ray's and Georgetown Cupcakes.
15. Becky + parties = absolutely fabulous. Anyone who's anyone always attends her parties.
16. I love how Becky always makes you think that whatever you're saying is truly important, even when it's not.
17. She is a homemade pizza guru, thus inspiring me to obtain my own stone and impress w/ mad pizza skills.
18. I adore Becky because (I'm not copying #4, but expanding) she shares my intense love of everything Twilight and shares insider gossip with me that I know I can only obtain from Becky, who knows you don't have to be 13 to love the saga.
19. She carries on the somewhat lost tradition of writing thank-you notes, and hers are always creative and genuine.
20. Becky + blogging = creative perfection, a must-read for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.
21. I have 100% confidence in hiring Becky as my personal shopper, full-time, someday when I'm filthy rich.
22. She has an impressive knowledge of Photoshop, a skill I have to be envious of.
23. She's a valuable shopping partner, giving her support on daring, but darling, accessory purchases.
24. Becky is super thoughtful, remembering little details about past conversations and always making sure to ask you about them.
25. She has serious TiVo skills, pausing and taking very precise pictures of very important contestants on a fashion-challenged season of a certain show.
26. She is stellar with children, especially my kiddo. I have no doubt that she will be an amazing mom someday.
27. And the last reason I adore Becky is because she is one of the most genuine people I've ever met in this lifetime, which makes me grateful to call her my friend.
28 Reasons Why I Love Becky Wickstrom

1. Happy
2. Attentive to the needs and emotions (and wants) of others
3. Playful
4. Prayerful
5. Party planning genius
6. Yummy food
7. Beautiful
8. Intelligent
9. Rob's biggest fan
10. Theatrical thursdays!
11. Homemade christmas fudge
12. Different outfit every day for a month! (or year!)
13. Anthropologie should give you an endorsement check
14. You were such a blessing when you lived on my couch for a month after the roof caved in
15. Bright red lips
16. Every little thing she does is magic
17. Costume make-up class: half man, half woman face. it was amazing.
18. Kind
19. You convinced me to pay $150 for a Flight of the Conchords concert...and it was worth it!
20. Weeping during youtube videos/movies/anything
21. I just really like you a lot
22. Chris: an excellent pick
23. Killer shoes
24. Skinny cow ice cream bars. I miss those!
25. Twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight
26. Recommends great books (and movies and clothes and food)
27. Office parties
28. Musically inclined